Thursday, October 22, 2009

How Time Flies!!!

WOW! I knew it had been a while since I'd updated the blog...but hadn't realized it'd been 6 months!!!! How time flies!!!

Kaisson turned 1 October 1st! We had a great time celebrating with family and friends! He wasn't much of a fan of cake, but enjoyed getting to see all the cards and gifts. He weighed in at 20 lbs. 5 oz. for his 1 year appointment and 30" tall. Even though he's a little guy, he LOVES to eat! He is especially fond of my Meme's purple hull peas and butter beans, and will never turn down a strawberry! On October 3rd he took his first steps. He still likes to get around by crawling or with the use of his push train or activity walker. He runs with both of them, which is quite hilarious. Adam and I can't believe he is still so timid about walking when he'll dive head first off the couch or bed and is an all around dare devil. He talks a lot but doesn't say much we can understand. He does say 'Mama', 'Dada', 'Uh-Oh', and recently my dad got him to say 'Oh yeah!'. Funny!

I'm still working two days a week and working on my Masters the other free days. I'll finish up with my Master's degree Thursday, Nov. 19 and have Baby K #2 Saturday, Nov. 21. So, we've got chapters ending and starting back to back. I'm hoping that I can start teaching in the Spring for a little extra cash flow and to put me in a position to travel with Adam a little once he starts his long distance rotations to check out places for residency.

Adam will be finishing his Internal Medicine rotation tomorrow and will start Neurology rotation on Monday. He has enjoyed working at the hospital and all he has learned. He is taking a study month in December and will be working with an orthopedic surgeon in Fort Worth. He is looking forward to working with this doctor and really getting the hands on experience of the field he is hoping to go into.

Also, Adam finished his 2nd triathlon mid October. He did the US Toyota Open in Dallas. The chilly, wet (50's and rainy that day!) race started at Joe Pool Lake in Grand Prarie and ended at the American Airlines Center in Downtown, Dallas. He swam .9 miles, biked 25 miles, and ran 6.2 miles. He finished 19th in his age group out of 62 and overall was 235 out of 620. His race time was 2 hrs. and 45 min. We were very proud of him!!! He is hooked now on racing and has signed up to do the White Rock Marathon in Dallas on December 17th.

As I said earlier, Baby K #2 will be arriving Saturday, Nov. 21. The plan is a c-section at 9am that morning. I'm quite apprehensive about how this is all going to go down because of the crazy, horrible first few weeks we had with Kaisson. I'm praying that God gives us a baby free of issues and one that loves to eat! I'm also praying that the meds they give me will keep me in my right mind...I sure didn't feel that way before! We look forward to meeting our baby girl or baby boy that day! Adam is still holding on to the hope that it's a boy...we shall see!

I'll try to be better about updating the blog, especially with the new little one making his/her arrival. And Kaisson, of course, needs some face time...he's just too cute!!! Hope everyone is doing well!!! Love you all!!!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

6 Months

Kaisson turned 1/2 a year old on Wednesday!  He's growing like a weed.  He weighed in at 16 lbs. 5 oz. and is 27.5" long.  He is right above the 75th percentile for his height...he might take after the Norwood's and Freeny's with his height!  

He still isn't a big fan of eating food.  I thought that he would like it, but you have to put on a dog and pony show for him to even open his mouth; and you better be ready or those jaws will lock tight if you wait too long!  =)  I made up some homemade applesauce and bananas.  That has to be better than the bought baby we'll see if he likes that any better.  He did like chewing on a cantaloupe the other night. We had cantaloupe for dinner and he LOVED it!  He couldn't get enough.  I think he might be taking after his Pop and Papa on that one!  =)

He is constantly talking these days...most the time he's talking over whoever else is talking or the's hilarious!!!  

He's flipping over from back to front and front to back, and yesterday sat up by himself for 5 long minutes.  His Nana and Papa gave him a toy guitar that plays music and lights up.  He loves this toy and sat up with it for a long time today and yesterday.  Hard to believe he's getting so big!  I told Adam today that since he can now sit up alone, he should start rolling the ball to him.  Kaisson already has one ball that is holey and he loves it!  So, hopefully Adam will get his little athlete that he so desires.  =)  

Kaisson also got to meet his Aunt Gwynne, Uncle Sam, and cousins (Courtney, Etta, and Lucas) this month.  They were down visiting some family and we had the opportunity to meet up with them in Dallas.  We had a great time getting to catch up!!!  

Spring Break to Mississippi and California

Kaisson is quite the traveler!!!  In a week and 1/2 he visited Mississippi and California.  The first part of Spring Break we drove to Mississippi to visit my grandparents.  My grandparents loved getting to see him and love on him.  They couldn't believe all that he was able to do.  My Granddaddy was amazed at how inquisitive he was with toys and the environment.  

After heading back from Mississippi and working 2 days, we flew out to California to visit my friend Melodee, her baby girl Josie, and her husband Jeff.  My parents for Christmas purchased me a ticket to visit this special, we were so excited!!!!  We spent a day flying there and a day flying back....Kaisson did great and everyone bragged on what a great traveling baby he was. We had a blast hanging out with Melodee...the only drawback was that it wasn't long enough.  Josie enjoyed getting to play with Kaisson.  Kaisson wasn't too sure about Josie though.  I enjoyed getting to visit with my sweet friend and it made me long for her to live closer!