Sunday, November 30, 2008

Kaisson's First Thanksgiving

"Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God." -Phil. 1:3

I am blessed in so many ways. I have a wonderful husband that loves me, takes care of me, and is thoughtful. I am blessed to have a sweet baby that I do not deserve.  Each day I look at him and I am constantly amazed that he is mine.  Adam and I are both blessed to have wonderful family's that love and support us through all of life's trials and joys!  As the little girl says in the movie Hope Floats, "My cup runneth over!"

This Thanksgiving we went to Mississippi for Kaisson to meet my grandparents.  We had a great time and my grandparents were thrilled to finally meet Kaisson.  They had only been able to see him through pictures printed by their neighbor.  My Meme was very much thrilled to see him and would hold him every chance she got.  Her secret, as my mom said, was that she'd hand you a piece of food and say, "I'll hold him while you eat."  =)  

Adam was not able to join us for Thanksgiving.  This past Monday he started Psych rotation and was on call at the hospital from Thanksgiving Eve till Thanksgiving morning.  

Christmas is right around the corner and we will be traveling up to Seattle to spend Christmas with the inlaws, brother/sister in law, and new neice, Olivia.  We can' t wait!!!  The best part is Olivia is only 2 weeks older than Kaisson!  It'll be fun seeing them interact and be together.  I can't wait to see the pictures!!!!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Grandparents, Great Grandparents, and Multiple Blessings!!!!

Over the past few weeks, Kaisson has had the opportunity to meet some of his great grandparents.  Adam's grandmother from Arkansas, Mabel, came in town  to meet Kaisson.  Then this past week, we went to Mississippi in order to have Thanksgiving and for my grandparents to meet Kaisson.  What a blessing it was to see Adam's grandmother and my grandparents hold their great grandson.  They all had such a joy about them as they held him, fed him, and watched him smile and sleep.  I consider it a true blessing that they were around in order to meet him.  Many do not get the opportunity for their grandparents to meet their children.  At Christmastime we will be in Seattle and will be able to introduce Kaisson to Adam's other grandmother. We can't wait!!!

Kaisson was also able to meet his Nana and Papa (Adam's parents).  Ken and Zoe enjoyed the time getting to meet, know, and love on their new grandson.  We are so blessed to have such great parents that help us out when we need their help, give us support, or just love on us and now Kaisson.  We are so blessed!!!

Kaisson is getting so big!  It seems like just this past week he has taken a huge growth spurt!  All of his 0 to 3 mth. outfits look like they have shrunk!  His poor little toes poke to the very end of the sleepers and the pants are looking like capris.  So, time to retire those clothes and move on to the 3 to 6 mth outfits!!!

Along with Kaisson getting bigger this week, he has also started to do several new things this week...and do them quite well!!!  Kaisson has been tracking, focusing, and smiling for several weeks now.  However, it seems that he is really starting to understand faces and focusing and tracking even more intently.  He smiles nonstop when he's talked and even tries to talk back.  His sweet, ear to ear smile is precious!!!  He is a very active guy!  We keep wondering when he'll start crawling because he is on the go with those legs!!!  He also is able to push up and hold his head up very good...he can keep it up for several minutes!  

It's so hard to believe that it's been 8 weeks!!!  We are so blessed and I thank God that He chose to place Kaisson in our lives.  Not only is he a huge responsibility, but a huge joy in our lives!!!!   We love you Kaisson...more than you'll ever know!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Kaisson's First Halloween!

Kaisson celebrated his first Halloween as a bear.  My dad calls him Boo Bear so we thought that being a bear was fitting for him.  I made him up a costume, which he wasn't thrilled to be in starting out.  =)  We celebrated at the house and walked down to church to the church carnival.  When we came home we sat him in amongst all of the bears we have.  We thought he looked like E.T. when E.T. hides in the stuffed animals...too cute!  

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Fall Is In the Air!

Fall is in the air!!!  Adam and I took Kaisson out to the Dallas Arboretum this past weekend.  They have a large pumpkin patch and pumpkin display where pictures can be taken.  So, we dressed Kaisson up in his fall attire and off we went to get pictures!  The weather was great, and despite having to fight the crowds, we had a great time getting to take pictures and video of Kaisson!  Kaisson was a great little model!!!  Maybe he'll take after his mom instead of his dad when it comes to pictures!  Adam SO loves to get his picture taken!  =)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Kaisson's First Two Weeks

Going into this, we had this idea of how things were going to go...we were going to have a natural delivery and the first few weeks we would just fall into sync with a routine.  Isn't funny how that doesn't happen?  

The past 2 weeks have been quite an uphill battle.  We headed home from the hospital after being there for an entire week.  Within the first 2 days we found that feeding was an issue and Kaisson was not eating.  We thought that he was just having trouble figuring out breastfeeding, but come to find out it was something more.  By Tuesday Kaisson had decided that he wasn't interested in eating and he went an entire 24 hours without any food.  We went and visited the lactation consultant, which we are convinced saved his life!  He had lost from his birth weight of 7 lbs 10 ounces to 6 lbs 5 ounces.  At that point we began supplementing with formula.  

You would think at this point that our problems were solved.  However, we still were having trouble eating.  It was taking him an hour or longer to get down 2 ounces or so.  Then within the next day or so he had several apnea episodes where he would become listless, blue or white. After an episode Friday afternoon, Adam and I took Kaisson to Cook Children's in Fort Worth.  We spent the evening in the ER and then we were admitted and spent the weekend in the hospital hooked up to a monitor to check his breathing, oxygen level, and heart rate.  The pediatrician finally decided that his apnea episodes were due to reflux.  Kaisson is now on Zantec and is getting better everyday.

As of yesterday he had jumped up to 7 lbs. 10 ounces...a huge blessing since Saturday at the hospital he was still 7 lbs 1 ounce.  

God has been so faithful in this situation.  Although we don't always know the outcomes of things or know what is to come, He knows and is faithful to provide the best.  

We are thankful for everyone that has been praying for us over the past few weeks.  God hears the prayers of His people and is faithful to listen and provide!  We love you all!!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Welcome to our family, Kaisson O'Neal!

After 2 days of pitocin and a lot of contractions that didn't cause any progression, I delivered our new son by c-section at 7:41 pm on October 1st.  Kaisson O'Neal let everyone know he had finally arrived with his cries showing off his strong lungs.  What an emotional feeling that cannot be described.  We are very thankful that he is healthy, lively, and cute....oh, and his father is glad he came "with all his parts."  He weighed 7 lbs. 10 oz. and stretched 20 inches long.  God truly blessed us with a huge gift that we don't deserve but are greatful He gave.  I don't think the responsibility we have for this child has hit since we're still in the hospital for another couple days.  When we take him home, I imagine the reality of what God granted will be completely evident and a new chapter in this Norwood household will be well underway.  Thank you to all for your prayers, thoughts, and encouragement.  You have blessed us so much.  We realize that the way you have shaped Adam and my life over the last 4+ years will carry over to helping shape our sons life.  Thank you for the love you have given and will give to our family.  

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Anticipating Our Great Arrival!!!

"Children are a gift from the LORD, they are a reward from Him." -Psalm 127:3-

Tonight we eagerly await D-Day! Over the past few weeks we have prepared. Prepared the nursery, prepared our house, prepared with organizing blankets, toys, and all baby necessities. Today I did a load of baby clothes and was beaming as I folded each and every piece of clothing. It is hard to believe that this day has finally arrived. For nine months we knew that we were going to be blessed with a child, but the time is finally here. We are nervous thinking, "Have we gotten everything ready? Are we truly prepared to be parents?" I'm not sure that any parent could ever say that they are 100% ready to have a child or be a parent, but what a blessing it is!!!

I pray for this child each day. I pray that he or she will grow to know and love the Lord and be the light that this broken world needs. As parents we need prayer. We are so distracted by our everyday lives and often time forget that we are to be the light of the world. God has given us this child as a gift, but He has also given us this child so that we can help to show it His love and to help this child become the child of God that he or she was meant to be.

Through all the fears and anxieties, we eagerly await your arrival Baby Norwood. Mommy and Daddy can't wait to kiss your precious face and hear your sweet cries.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Scheduled to be Induced

Visited the doctor again on Tuesday. There has been no progress that makes anyone believe that Baby Norwood wants to come out and meet the world. =)

We have been scheduled to be induced on Tuesday morning. We will go into the hospital Monday night at 6pm where they will start preparing my body for the Pitocin with a pill called Cervidil. Then at 6am on Tuesday morning they will begin with the Pitocin. Hopefully by the end of Tuesday or the beginning of Wednesday we will have a new little baby!

Say a prayer that Baby Norwood might decide to arrive before we have to go through all of that mess with being induced. Otherwise, pray that God will keep everyone safe and healthy. Adam and I can't wait and can't wait for everyone to meet our new addition!!!! =)

We will be sure to let everyone know as soon as he or she be checking your phone and email!!! =) Love you all!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

39 Weeks

39 Weeks and Counting! I went to the doctor yesterday and hoped with all my heart that she would say we had progress or that Baby Norwood would arrive in the next day or two. No such luck!!!

Currently I'm dilated to 1cm and just hoping to progress this week! My doctor did an ultrasound to see where Baby Norwood was as far as weight. Baby Norwood, as of Friday, is weighing in between 7 1/2 and 8 1/2 lbs. We shall see how much bigger it gets before he/she makes their arrival. During the ultrasound we also got to see it practicing breathing and them opening their eyes. The baby was quite active during the ultrasound...but that's nothing different than every other day....we have quite the active baby!

If Baby Norwood has not arrived by Tuesday, September 30th, then the doctor will induce so that Baby Norwood doesn't get too large.

Adam and I are excited to meet this little one and nervous all at the same time!!!!

I hope that everyone can see the little face in the picture (Look for forehead, eyes, nose, and upper lip. You can also see a hand in a fist up close to the face, as well). So cute!!! Can't wait!!! 1 more full week to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 5, 2008

37 Weeks and We have a FLIPPER!

We are into our 37th week...3 to go (hopefully less!). Last time we went for an ultrasound baby was still breech and Adam and I were looking into options for flipping this baby. However, yesterday we went for our ultrasound and found that the baby had indeed flipped to the head down position. Thank goodness!

Also during the ultrasound, we found that are baby has quite the healthy appetite! Baby Norwood is currently weighing in around 8 lbs! I can't imagine how much this kiddo is going to weigh if he/she doesn't make their debut for another 3 or 4 weeks! But the tech said that weight can sometimes be off on an ultrasound, it could have just had a growth spurt, and that sometimes in the last weeks the weight levels off. I sure hope so!!! Currently we're measuring about a week or 2 ahead of schedule on we shall see when this kiddo decides to move out of their comfort zone and meet us! =) Adam and I are eager to meet this little one!

Friday, August 29, 2008

36 Weeks!

We are into our 36 week with this little one! As it stands right now, baby is still breech. An ultrasound was done on Friday and this baby is still being stubborn. When we went to the doctor yesterday, but the doctor did not check to see if the baby was breech. She said that we would wait till next week to do an ultrasound and check the position of the baby. At that point, she says we have 2 options. The first option is to do something that is called a cephalic version. This is a procedure that is done in the hospital where the doctor tries to externally/manually rotate the baby into the head down position. The reason it is done in the hospital is because of precautions in case I was to need an emergency c-section if the baby's heartbeat slows, etc. However, from what I've researched this is very rare. The success rate differs from what I can find but it looks like it works about 50% of the time. Adam and I have yet to make our final decision on this, but think that it is definitely an option that we could look into for flipping this kiddo and having a natural birth. Otherwise, if the baby does not flip or we do not attempt the procedure, a c-section will be scheduled for the last week in September. Say a prayer that God will let us know what the best option is for us and Baby Norwood.

Other than that, Adam and I started some work on our house and so our house is in shambles right now! We're hoping to get everything back into place this weekend/week because Baby Norwood will be here before we know it!!! Currently we have no furniture out and are sleeping in a bed surrounded by every little thing in our house!

We'll be updating you on Baby Norwood's progress this next week as we learn about his/her position. Thanks for the prayers!!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

33 Weeks and What a Hoss of a Baby!

Hey everyone!!! We went in for our 33 week check up today and the dr. did an ultrasound. For all of you that thought I was having twins (I'm not), but our baby could account for 2! =) Baby Norwood weighs 4 lbs. today and that puts us a week ahead as far as weight goes for baby. Dr. said that Baby Norwood is in the 80th percentile, which means that our baby weighs more than 80% of all other babies at the 33 week stage. So...atleast we have a healthy baby! =) Dr. said that he/she could have just had a growth spurt or we could have an 8 lb or so baby. Let's hope for the growth spurt!

Dr. measured the amniotic fluid, the level is great (which shows kidneys are functioning very well). We also got to see the baby having hiccups during the ultrasound. She said that hiccups are an excellent sign of neurological development and that everything is developing correctly.

Currently this week the baby is breech. She said that most babies will continue to move till the 36th week, so she said no need to worry for now. She said there is plenty of amniotic fluid for baby to easily flip around. So we shall see if Baby Norwood will be easy or difficult.

The picture here is the best we could get. Baby Norwood was not cooperating very well so we only got a quick glimpse of him/her. I think that Baby Norwood looks like a little old man here! hehehe! In the picture you can see the forehead, eye sockets, nose, and fat cheeks. Can you make it out? I know, it's's laying sideways in the picture. Good luck!

Dr. says we should see Baby Norwood in about 6 to 8 weeks! Hard to believe it's already here! Adam and I are so thrilled...we just can't wait!!!! =)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

31 Weeks

I'm starting 31 weeks...9 weeks to go! It's hard to believe that it's getting so close! You think 9 months is a long time...but it sure isn't! The time has flown by!!!

We have a shower coming up in a few weeks...however, today we received our first gift of the travel system (stroller/car seat). I was SO excited!!! Adam and I put it together immediately and practiced opening and closing it. (Yes, we know we're goobers!...but we're just so excited!)

Baby Norwood is quite the gymnist and I feel him/her move constantly throughout the day. It's very fun to bond by getting to feel and see the baby move. We go back in 2 weeks to get another ultrasound. I can't wait to see new pictures of our baby!!! So stay posted for those new pics! =)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Pre-Baby Norwood Pictures

This weekend we traveled to Spokane, Washington for Adam's cousin's wedding. We had a great time and enjoyed getting to spend time with family!

While we were there Ben, my brother in law (who is a FABULOUS photographer), took pictures of us. We were able to see some of them today! Enjoy! I think he did a great job!!! =) THANKS BEN!!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Nursery Complete and Waiting on Baby Norwood

My mom came over today and helped complete the nursery. She made the curtain and we spent the day hanging it and putting the final touches on the room. It is exactly what I wanted...soothing and soft. I can't wait to put a sweet baby in here!!!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Baby Norwood at 24 Weeks

Today we start beginning of Week 24. Baby Norwood has become VERY active! Whenever I get still he/she decides to do a jig. Adam had the opportunity last week to feel the baby kick several times. It's so fun getting to feel this little busy body within, as well as, seeing my belly bounce whenever he/she kicks really hard! Right now it's soft kicks, but I know soon it'll be hard kicks to the ribs and bladder! =)

Every day the anticipation grows about holding this baby and getting to see it and know what it is! =) This week was hard because my brother in law and sister in law found out what they're having (Due Oct. 8-Olivia Rea Norwood). But we're going to stick with the original plan of making it a surprise! =)

Only 118 days left!!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

For You Knit Me Together

Over the past two weeks I have begun to feel the reality of what is growing within me.  Baby Norwood has started making it's presence known and I can now feel the nudges of my sweet baby. Each day I grow more and more attached to this little one that is being formed within me.  Each day I can't wait to meet this baby and hold this love grows and grows.  Each day  I wonder about what he or she will look like....will he/she look like me or Adam; will he/she have my relaxed personality or Adam's drive?  Each day I pray that God will continue to form this baby into the sweet child that He so desires.  

Although, I know nothing more about my baby than the ultrasound pictures or the sweet movements, I know that God knows this baby inside and out.  He has loved this baby and rejoiced over it since before it was even part of our lives.  Psalm 139 has come to mind many times over the course of the last 21 weeks.  It reminds me that no matter what we face in life, good or bad, God knows us and is there to watch over us, rejoice over us, and love us like no one else ever will.  I am thankful that I serve a God that cares so much about this life within me, as well as me and all my mess. 

Psalm 139
O LORD, you have examined my heart and know everything about me.  You know when I sit down or stand up.  You know my thoughts even when I'm far away.  You see me when I travel and when I rest at home.  You know everything I do.  You know what I am going to say even before I say it, LORD.  You go before me and follow me.l  You place your hand of blessing on my head.  Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to understand!  I can never escape from your Spirit!  I can never get away from your presence!  If I go up to heaven, you are there; if I go down to the grave, you are there.  If I ride the wings of the morning, if I dwell by the farthest oceans, even there your hand will guide me, and your strength will support me.  I could ask the darkness to hide me and the light around me to become night-but even in darkness I cannot hide from you.  To you the night shines as bright as day.  Darkness and light are the same to you.  You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb.  Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!  Your workmanship is marvelous-how well I know it.  You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.  You saw me before I was born.  Every day before I was born.  Every day  of my life was recorded in your book.  Every moment was laid out before a single day has passed.  How precious are your thoughts about me, O God.  They cannot be numbered!  I can't even count them, they outnumber the grains of sand!  And when I wake up, you are still with me!...Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.  Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Baby Norwood at 19 Weeks!

We did the advanced ultrasound today where they check for any problems and to make sure the baby has all it's fingers, toes, organs, as well as, measuring the baby, etc.

Baby is measuring 18 Weeks and 6 Days, the heartbeat was 150bpm, baby now weighs 8 ounces, and the planned due date is October 1st.

If we had wanted to, we could have found out the sex of the baby. The tech was surprised to hear that we were waiting. So, when she needed to check things where we might see something we didn't want to see, she let us know to turn our heads. I asked her after she told us to turn away, for the second time, if she knew what we were having. She initially said she was trying to not find out so she didn't slip up. However, immediately after that, she saw. Adam and I both had the same thoughts..."someone knows exactly what we're having...we could know right now..." But, we decided to stand firm with our decision and we will be surprised like the rest of you come October.

We did get to see Baby Norwood move. He or she had their arms and hands up close to their face. We got to see Baby Norwood move his/her arms around. The tech tried to get a good profile picture of the baby, but Baby Norwood was not being very cooperative. We tried our best...I'm not sure who's profile the baby has yet..maybe Adam's...seems to not have much of a chin. =) She did get a picture straight on of the face, but it looks like an alien to me. I told Adam that the baby was taking after him. Hehehe! =)

Pretty amazing that this is our baby! Even after looking at the pictures and seeing it move, it's hard to believe that in a few months we will be able to see this baby, hold this baby, know this baby, and call it our very own.

Friday, April 25, 2008

New Baby Norwood Pics!

Went to the doctor today. We heard the baby's heartbeat...150. Dr. says that's great for baby. It was also really slow in the office today so we got to do an ultrasound. Hopefully you can make sense of the pictures better than we did! =) We might have the next USA soccer player in our midst, or an Olympic gymnast...Baby Norwood kicked and did a somersault while we watched. =)

Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Heartbeat Within

They say you never know unconditional love till you have a child of your own. Today we had the great privilege to hear our baby's heartbeat. Faint and beating quick, we could hear our baby's heartbeat inner-twined with my own. Reminds me that it is no longer just me and Adam, but a sweet child has been inner-twined and joined into this family. How excited I was to hear the sweet beats of that small heart and excited about getting to meet this child of mine in a few short months.

(Baby's heartbeat was strong and healthy...beating about 160 beats per min.)

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Baby Woody's Photo Debut!!!

Coming in at 22.4mm long, Baby Norwood is growing strong and healthy!!! The doctor was able to see the heartbeat through ultrasound on Wednesday. We will be able to hear the heartbeat when we go back to the doctor at the end of March. Even though I had a hard time knowing what I was looking at, as soon as Adam and I saw the little Peanut we were in love!!! Baby Norwood, we can't wait to meet you!!!!